What services we provide

Signal from the limestone depths of Blansko

950 meters

This makes our ROTEG GPR truly unique!

The deepest measurements made in limestone bedrock with our ROTEG GPR in the Malá Dohoda quarry, using 6m antennas with a frequency of 25 MHz.

Examples of measurements

GPS tracking

Georadar ROTEG records GPS position with an accuracy of 1 meter. In a relatively short period of time, we can measure a larger area without having to precisely locate each profile and then easily locate the anomalies found, for example in Google Earth, where a radargram with the anomaly can be associated with each GPS point. An illustrative example of a field survey in Vysocina (CZ) in the video below.

Old wells and cellars

"I need to find an old well/cellar on the property." We hear this phrase a lot. This is the most common survey for individuals.

covered well

vaulted cellar

Routing of utility networks

When the project plans do not match reality and the pipes/cables run in a different direction. Do you want to make sure you don't interrupt the utility lines during excavation?

this is also how the trajectory of a water pipeline can look like :)

part of the radargram from the water pipeline routing

600 mm diameter sewer pipe

inclined crossing over the Malešická sewer

Underground corridors

Is there an underground passageway leading out of the castle? Do I have an underground passageway on my property? We can answer these questions quickly. We can locate underground passages up to several tens of meters deep.

corridor dug in the clay

passage in the rock (4.5 m underground)


When searching for caves, we cooperate with speleologists who have an overview of the situation in karst areas and have well-mapped known caves. Caves recorded by Georadar are thus easily verifiable with those already discovered. Often, we also find caves in their surroundings that have not been discovered before.

exploration in the karst area of Blansko (the Old Amateur Cave is captured at a depth of about 80 m - red arrow)

a previously undiscovered cave at a depth of around 50 metres

Our customers include:

Construction (Strabag, Metrostav, Skanska, Granson, PS Brno, etc.)

Pavement and subgrade inspection (Viakontrol, University of Pardubice)

Scientific institutions / universities (Mendel University in Brno, VŠB-TUO Ostrava)

Sewerage and water supply (Termonta Praha, Zepris)

Water management (HG partner, Profivoda)

Geodesy (SK Geodeti, Geovia)

Crane work (Hanyš)

Real estate (FM&S, Realing, Skanska Reality)

Archaeologists, geologists, mineralogists, mining companies, criminal police . .

But also other geological companies that need deep GPR surveys.


About us

What facilities are available to us

Rudolf Tengler - RTGPR

Černokostelecká 90
100 00 Prague 10 - Strašnice
Czech Republic

Mobile: +420 608 702 278

E-mail: rudolf@rtgpr.com

ID: 76143082
VAT: CZ8509021026

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