Expedition to the Bosnian Pyramids in 2023: New discoveries at depths of tens of metres
In 2023, we participated in a survey of the archaeological site of the Bosnian Pyramids, which has been a centre of intensive research since 2005 under the direction of Dr. Sam Osmanagić. The site, located near the town of Visoko in Bosnia, includes several fascinating sites such as the Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Moon, Tumulus Hill and the vast underground complex of Ravne Tunnels. Dr. Osmanagić's research here points to the presence of large structures which, according to his theory, represent the oldest pyramids in the world, dating back tens of thousands of years. In addition, they focus on their potential energetic, healing and archaeological properties.
Our expedition focused on orientation geophysical surveys of selected sites, in particular Tumulus Hill, Pyramids of the Sun, Ravne Tunnels and Bell Tower. With the help of 25 MHz and 50 MHz antennas and a 10 kV transmitter, we explored the underground structures looking for anomalies that could confirm the existence of hidden cavities, tunnels or other unique features. The results were fascinating - several significant anomalies were identified at depths of up to several tens of metres.
These discoveries may represent further pieces in the mosaic of knowledge of this unique place. A detailed report of the measurements was given to Dr. Osmanagić, who will incorporate the results into the next phase of the research.
The Bosnian pyramids are not only an archaeological phenomenon, but also a magnet for researchers from all over the world. Research in this field combines modern technology, interdisciplinary approaches and the courage to explore the unexplored. This expedition contributed to a deeper understanding of the mysteries of the site and opened up new questions for future research.
Comment on the expedition
On the whole issue of the so-called. I am rather sceptical about the Bosnian pyramids. The uncovered structures on the Pyramid of the Sun hill did not personally convince me of their unnatural origin. Based on what I had the opportunity to see, I think that similar formations could be discovered on other hills in the area. Whether anyone has systematically verified this possibility, however, I do not know.
As for the Ravne tunnels, the environment in which they are located does not strike me as significantly unnatural. According to Sam Osmanagić, these tunnels were allegedly artificially created and subsequently filled in for some reason, and their uncovering is ongoing today. However, it is difficult to confirm or deny this claim unequivocally. The presence of a quality water source that is said to have a positive effect on the human body is interesting, but it is not exceptional - similar sources can be found in other places around the world.
Our expedition lasted less than a week, which is a relatively short time to form a more comprehensive view of the site. Despite my skeptical view, I find the research in this area interesting and undoubtedly deserves more time and attention in order to get a more comprehensive picture of this controversial phenomenon.
One of the most interesting anomalies targeted in the entire area. Georadar has detected a significant anomaly with a significantly lower permittivity than the surrounding bedrock at a depth of approximately 28 to 40 metres. The anomaly is clearly visible even after filtering out frequencies above 3 MHz, which virtually eliminates the possibility of airborne reflection. Very interesting is its slope and the depth at which it is located. It could be an underground structure or a cavity. This assumption is also supported by the distinctive and rapid transition of colours (material properties).
However, for the time being I have no information from Dr. Sam Osmanagić as to whether he has investigated this anomaly further or drilled at this location.
Anyway, Dr. Osmanagić is undoubtedly an excellent businessman who has managed to build a huge cultural base in the area of the Bosnian pyramids. Every year, this place attracts tourists and volunteers from all over the world, either to discover the secrets of the site or simply because of the unique atmosphere it has created.